In his speech during a session on “action and solidarity” at the United Nations climate conference in Glasgow, President Joe Biden publicly apologized to the world for former President Trump’s decision to pull the U.S. out of the Paris climate accord.

“I guess I shouldn’t apologize, but I do apologize for the fact the United States in the last administration pulled out of the Paris accords and put us sort of behind the eight ball a little bit,” Biden said.

Earlier in the conference, the President who expressed remorse for his predecessor’s decision, also said that “there is no more time to hang back or sit on the fence or argue amongst ourselves. This is the challenge of our collective lifetimes. The existential threat to human existence as we know it.”

Trump, who seemingly did not believe in the threat posed by global warming, announced plans to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement during his first year in office. However, the process was formally completed in November 2020.

Upon entering office on Jan. 20, Biden signed an executive order to have the U.S. re-enter the Paris climate accord.

See also Some of Trump’s bad policies corrected by Joe Biden.

Biden re-rejoined the Paris Agreement, more than three years after Trump announced that the U.S. would no longer participate in the agreement.

The agreement was formed by the world leaders to coordinate the global response to climate change.

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