While Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that Afghan refugees are not welcomed in Russia, Germany on the other hand is open to all possibilities.

German chancellor Angela Merkel told reporters that “This is primarily about helping neighboring countries to which the Afghan refugees may perhaps go.

In Britain, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced that Britain would take in 5,000 Afghan refugees this year 2021.

However, he also added that Britain will not allow people to come in from Afghanistan “in an indiscriminate way.”

He added that “we want to be generous but we must make sure we look after our own security.”

Greece announced that it has extended its border wall with Turkey due to fear of the inflow of migrants from Afghanistan.

Austria wants the refugees to be housed in countries near Afghanistan to allow the deportation of Afghans, rather than for them to be allowed into Europe.

France President Macron said in a televised address that “We must anticipate and protect ourselves against significant irregular migratory flows.”

France has often been hit by a lot of Islamic terrorist activities.

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