Initially, Russia wanted to conquer and take charge of Ukraine, but after facing opposition from the Western countries who keep supplying Ukraine with sophisticated weapons, Russia decided to back off from the original plan.

Apparently, Having been pushed out of Kiev, Russia is now interested in taking over Mariupol so it can serve as a road link between Luhansk, Donetsk and Crimea.

Russia has warned that strikes on Russian territory would lead to a severe response. But they don’t want the response to their unprovoked strike on Ukrainian territory to be supported by NATO.

On Saturday, CIA Director William Burns said that Vladimir Putin could not afford to lose in Ukraine, so he is ready to double down.

President Vladimir Putin has appointed General Aleksandr Dvornikov as the new commander of Russian troops in Ukraine, Dvornikov also went through the Syrian war.

Putin has also tasked Dvornikov with winning the war in Ukraine by 9 May when he was appointed in early April.

According to Mykhailo Podoliak, Advisor to the Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Lots of Israeli news media have reported that Russian troops stationed in Syria have been asked to move to Ukraine as more soldiers are needed in Ukraine.

Russia is handing over control of its military bases to IRGC, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

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