The eNaira (Nigeria digital currency) was scheduled to be launched on 1st October, 2021, but it was postponed because it clashed with the celebrations of Nigeria Independence Day.

The eNaira was finally launched on 25th October 2021, making Nigeria the first country in Africa to use digital currency.

While launching the digital currency, President Muhammadu Buhari who is popularly known in Nigeria as PMB said the innovation could grow Nigeria’s economy by $29 billion in the coming decade.

PMB also outlined further financial inclusion goals but he did not take any questions from the few journalists who were present at the occasion.

The eNaira app was then immediately made available for download in Apple store and Google play.

Nigeria’s central bank made two types of eNaira wallets available on Google Play and Apple store. One for individuals, and the other for merchants.

According to some users, parts of the wallet for individuals did not work properly, and there were broken links that did not lead to helpful support pages on the central bank’s website.

The Android version of Nigeria’s eNaira app for individuals was taken down a few days after it was launched due to poor reviews from most users.

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