Today is 10 December, a day that has been declared by the United Nations (U.N) as the world’s Human Rights Day, and is observed every year around the world. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was adopted in 1948 and is celebrated annually across the world.

According to the U.N, “Rampant poverty, pervasive inequalities, and structural discrimination are human rights violations and among the greatest global challenges of our time. Addressing them effectively requires measures grounded in human rights, renewed political commitment, and participation of all, especially those most affected. We need a new social contract which more fairly shares power, resources, and opportunities and sets the foundations of a sustainable human rights-based economy.”

As mentioned above, rampant poverty is one of the biggest challenges in the world today. Hence we have decided to launch this website As the name implies, the website is geared towards helping poor people all over the world.

In most countries, on the 10th of December, there are usually high-level political conferences and meetings that are aimed at addressing the political, social, and economic problems in the countries.

December 10 is also marked with cultural events and exhibitions dealing with human rights issues.

There is also Juneteenth National Independence Day. 10th of June is the official Freedom Day or Black Independence Day in the U.S, and it marks the end of slavery.

U.S President Joe Biden has signed the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act into law. It’s now a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the emancipation of African-American slaves. Cool but not qualified to be added to my desirable retweets.

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