A powerful 7.8 magnitude earthquake rocked southeastern Turkey and northern Syria this month. Over three thousand buildings were reportedly affected and at least 34 thousand people died.

Meanwhile, thousands are still believed to be trapped under the rubble, and the death toll is expected to rise as rescue workers searched mounds of wreckage in cities and towns across the affected areas.

The earthquake struck while the residents were asleep. The residents who were jolted out of sleep by the pre-dawn quake are still battling with strong aftershocks.

Patients and newborn babies were evacuated from some facilities as hospitals and health facilities were also destroyed.

The Turkish government has appealed for aid, and countries around the world have started to send different types of aid and rescue workers to both Syria and Turkey.

However, aid workers were finding it very difficult to reach those affected in Syria due to security reasons imposed by the Syrian government.

The quake occurred in a region that has been shaped on both sides of the border by more than a decade of civil war in Syria.

The question is can earthquakes be prevented? Exparts say that we cannot prevent natural earthquakes from occurring because they are caused by a sudden tectonic movements in the earth’s crust. However, we can significantly mitigate their effects by identifying hazards, building safer structures, and providing education on earthquake safety.

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