India is the country with the highest number of rape cases in the world.

High-profile rape cases continue to make headlines from time to time in India, and Dalit women are mostly victims.

The Dalit community is said to be the most oppressed in Hinduism’s caste-based hierarchy.

In September last year, a 19-year-old Dalit woman was raped and killed in Uttar Pradesh.

Earlier this year, in what many see as the mother of all scandal, a Hindu priest and two of his male followers were arrested for the alleged gang-rape and murder of a 50-year-woman in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh.

Last month, four men did what was described as beyond comprehension as they allegedly raped and murdered a 9-year-old girl in New Delhi.

The girl who belongs to the country’s Dalit community was apprehended on the road when she went to fetch water from a crematorium.

Last week, a 34-yr-old woman was found lying unconscious inside an open mini bus in Mumbai after she was raped and brutally attacked.

She was rushed to the hospital but she later died due to severe injuries inflicted on her. CCTV footage helped police to arrest a man in connection to the crime.

The said man has confessed to the crime but he is yet to be charged.

According to India’s National Crime Records Bureau, more than 32,000 cases of alleged rape against women were reported in 2019. Going by the figure above, it means a rape case occurs in India every 17 minutes.

Women’s rights activist Yogita Bhayana has appealed to the nation and urged the citizens to work together to ensure that Indian women are protected from being sexually abused by men. In her own words:

As a nation, we must think of where we stand right now. It has been almost 10 years since Nirbhaya, but things are still the same. We need to work collectively otherwise nothing will change.”

“After Nirbhaya, we thought things would change but we keep hearing of rape cases every single day. Not a single day goes by where we don’t hear of one,” she said. “As activists, we push and probe the government and nation so much, but when we hear of such brutality, we really feel so helpless. I have no words to describe it.”

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