About three days ago, Amber Rose took to Instagram to accuse her boyfriend Edwards of cheating on her with at least 12 different women. In a series of Instagram Stories, Amber Rose wrote

“I’m tired of getting cheated on and being embarrassed behind the scene. All 12 of y’all bums( The ones that I know of there’s probably more) can have him. Y’all very much knew he was in a relationship with a baby and lean decided to f**k him anyway.”

The idea of also blasting the women who slept with him despite knowing he was in a relationship is strange. In what seems to be like IG rant, Rose continues…

“I saw all the texts and DM’s. Y’all were well aware but y’all don’t owe me any loyalty so it’s whatever,” she added.

“I can’t be the only one fighting for my family anymore. I’ve been so loyal and transparent but I haven’t gotten the same energy in return. I’ll never say the girls names because I’m not in the business of ruining lives but y’all know who lean are.”

She concluded by saying “As for him… The lack of loyalty and the disrespect is ridiculous and I’m done.”

RELATED ARTICLE: Boyfriend admitted to cheating on Amber Rose

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