In Austria, a 43-yr-old female doctor who was supposed to amputate the left leg of an elderly patient, mistakenly amputated his right leg. The incident took place at a clinic in Freistadt. The wrong limb was reportedly marked for amputation.

Neither the doctor nor any of the other hospital staff could account for what the doctor described in court as human error. The mistake was not discovered until two days later during a routine bandage change.

The surgeon was sued and found guilty of gross negligence in Linz Regional Court. She was fined €2,700 which is the equivalent of $3,000. The court also awarded $5,666 in damages to the widow of the patient.

The patient had no choice but to allow them to get the other leg amputated so he could stay alive.

The patient reportedly died before the case came up in court. However, the hospital has said that his death was not related to the amputation.

The doctor’s license was not taken from her. However, she lost her credibility in the hospital in which the incident took place, and had to move to another hospital.

Austrian news media reported that the accused has until 6 December 2021 to appeal the judgement, but it appears she is not going to file any appeal as she has admitted that it was a human error.

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