At least 165 people died in a stampede at an Indonesian football match, in one of the world’s worst stadium disasters today.

It was later learned that the stadium has the capacity of housing 38,000 people. The maximum capacity was exceeded by about 4,000 people.

The police are said to have contributed to the misfortune because they tear-gassed supporters who invaded the pitch after the match. Two policemen also died in the incident.

About 200 people were reportedly hurt in the crush after the local team, Arema FC, lost 2-3 to bitter rivals, Persebaya Surabaya, in East Java, Indonesia.


According to Florida sheriff, at least 35 people were killed by Hurricane Ian in Lee County, Fla.

“Today we’ve had over 600 to 700 rescues of people that are in need during this difficult time,” Marceno said in a Facebook video post, adding, “with about 35 deaths, unfortunately.”

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