41. Get to know her favorite radio station, call the radio station and dedicate a song for her or drop a love message for her. Play love with her especially on her birthday

42. Send her a virtual postcard or something similar at least once a week. I bet she will surely appreciate it.

43. Unplug the Tv.set, put a note on the screen saying turn me on instead. This will surely make her smile at you.

44. Prove your love to her with something tangible by buying some interesting but not expensive things for her. Women generally like little gifts such as sexy bikinis, perfume, handbag, etc.

45. Pop in a romantic music CD sometimes and slow dance with her. If she is not into dancing, cuddle and gently romance her as the music plays.

46. Play interesting games with her such as scrabble and use many “love words” as you possibly can.

47. Assist her in hard times, for example, if she is undergoing some difficulties, try to encourage and put her in the right way/mood. Remember that one good turn deserves another and women generally love men who can render them some helping hands.

48. Often (if not always) seal your ”goodbye or goodnight” with a hug or kiss.

49. Make an ornament with a picture of both of you for festivals. This is helpful if you are already dating her, otherwise, it will backfire.

50. Finally, take her to beautiful places and try as much as possible to make all your outings look like you are spending your honeymoon. She will surely find you interesting and will want to spend most of her time with you.

Good Luck in making a woman fall madly in love with you by employing some of our 50 love and romance tips.



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