Since the Taliban has asked all women to stop going to work and stay at home, the women who have studied and risen to the position of judges now have a different problem entirely and it is life-threatening.

Apart from losing their jobs, their lives are also in great danger. In case you wonder how, we’ll explain.

After the Taliban recently freed thousands of prisoners, including terrorists and senior al-Qaeda operatives, the women judges who sentenced them to prison, are automatically at risk of being killed by the freed prisoners.

It is estimated that over 200 women judges in Afghanistan are trapped in hiding because they are at risk of being killed.

After returning to power last month, the Taliban said that boys and girls, as well as men and women can no longer be in the same classrooms in schools and universities.

These are just the same hardline measures that were imposed on the Afghans by the old Taliban regime when it was in power from 1996 to 2001.

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3 thoughts on “Why the lives of women judges in Afghanistan are in danger”
  1. […] After the Taliban was overthrown by the U.S and its allies, punishments such as stoning to death, amputations, etc were abolished. Barely a month after taking over from the Afghan government, the Taliban has decided to reintroduce the out-lawed punishments. The Taliban strongly believe in its strict interpretation of Islamic law. Those strict Islamic laws were enforced in Afghanistan during the Taliban rule from 1996 to 2001. Recently, they asked all women to stop going to work and stay at home. “The main purpose is to serve Islam. Therefore, it is compulsory to have Ministry of Vice and Virtue,” Mohammad Yousuf, who says he is around 32 years old and responsible for the “central zone” of Afghanistan, tells me from inside his Kabul office on Monday. “We will punish as per the Islamic rules. Whatever Islam guides us, we will punish accordingly.” Actions will be taken on the “major sins of Islam,” such as sexual intercourse outside marriage, killing someone, and theft, he said. According to Mohammad Yousuf who is responsible for the “central zone” of Afghanistan, “Islam has its rules for major sins. For example, killing someone has different rules. If you do it intentionally, if you know the person and intentionally kill the person, you will be killed back. If not intentional, then there might be another punishment like paying a certain amount of money.” “If there is a theft, the hand will be cut off. If there is illegal intercourse, they (those involved) will be stoned.” See also: Why the lives of women judges in Afghanistan are in danger. […]

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