As being rumored in the past, Kim Kardashian finally took up Saturday Night Live (SNL) hosting duties for the 47th season.

On her first debut on SNL, she is believed to have roasted her family members. She said:

“I’m excited to be here tonight to show you guys that I’m so much more than just a pretty face… and good hair and great makeup and amazing boobs and a perfect butt,” she said. “Basically, I’m just so much more than that reference photo my sisters show their plastic surgeons.”

“But the one thing I’m really proud of is that no one could ever call me a gold digger. Honestly, I’m not sure how you even become one. So I asked my mom’s boyfriend Corey.”

“I married the best rapper of all time. Not only that, he’s the richest Black man in America. A talented, legit genius who gave me four incredible kids. So when I divorced him, you have to know it came down to just one thing: his personality.”

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