The descendant of Russia’s imperial Romanov dynasty was brought back to life again as the 40-yr-old Grand Duke George Mikhailovich Romanov wed his 39-yr-old fiancé Rebecca Bettarini who is from Italy.

Mikhailovich’s mother was among the hundreds of people who attended the glamorous royal wedding.

Russia’s last royal family was wiped out after the assassination of the last Tsar and his family.

Those who were murdered include Nicholas II, his wife Alexandra, three of their children, and their servants.

However, the case is still being investigated, and the Russian government has denied any involvement in it.

The case was closed but reopened in 2015 by request of the Russian Orthodox Church because they wanted to confirm the identity of the remains considered to be that of the imperial family.

After the tragic end of its last imperial family, Russia has celebrated its first royal wedding in exactly 104 years.

The so-called history-making wedding took place in front of hundreds of guests at St Isaac’s Cathedral in Saint Petersburg.

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