Just like in a movie, Gayatri, an Indian woman in Hyderabad has confessed to hiring four men to gang-rape her husband’s alleged lover. The troubled woman filmed the act with her cell phone to further blackmail her husband’s alleged girlfriend.

She threatened to upload the video to social media if the victim reveals the incident to anyone. Based on her confession, the men who perpetrated the act were arrested by the police.

Investigation has revealed that the side-chick met the 32-yr-old man (a civil service aspirant) at a coaching institute. After the duo became close, he introduced her to his wife.

Report has it that due to Gayatri’s ill health, she invited the alleged side-chick into their home to assist her in household management. The side-chick moved into the same house with the couple and lived there for five months (between October 2021 and February 2022.)

Following multiple altercations, she moved out after the man’s wife started to suspect that she was having an affair with her husband.

The jealous wife was not done yet as she decided to hire four goons to gang-rape the side-chick for having an affair with her husband.

She tricked the side-chick to come to her house with the pretext of talking about the issue and getting it resolved once and for all.

Upon entering the house, the SC realized that four men (who were later arrested) were waiting to devour her. This twisted case of revenge took place in the Kondapur locality of Hyderabad in India.

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