In less than a week after Russian President Vladimir Putin illegally annexed four Ukrainian provinces, Ukrain took back one of them after forcing Russia to retreat from Kherson.

During his nightly address, Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, said:

“The Ukrainian army is making quite fast and powerful movements in the south of our country.” He named eight small towns in Kherson that had recently been recaptured.

However, Russia has said that their soldiers are going to regroup and take back Kherson.

The Russian defence minister, Sergei Shoigu, said that 200,000 men had already been mobilized and were at 80 training grounds and six training centers across Russia.

This shows that Russia has suffered severe losses in the fight in Ukraine.

The defence ministry also published slick videos of recruits being trained by soldiers so that they can replace the late ones as soon as possible.

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