Andrew Cuomo is an American lawyer who switched from legal practitioner to politics. He was a successful politician who rose to the position of New York governor, the same position that his father, Mario Cuomo, held for three terms as the 52nd governor. Unfortunately, Andrew could not keep his desire for women under control.

We saw how Monica Lewinski stained Bill Clinton’s legacy for life. We saw how the desire for UNCONSENTED $€XUAL PLEASURE sent Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, etc to prison.

Eleven women accused Governor Andrew Cuomo of misconduct and harassment against them.

Cuomo put up a boldface hesitations to resign, saying on camera “No way I resign.”

After investigation, Cuomo was found guilty of various accusations and was forced to resign in a very disgraceful manner.

The American lawyer-turned-politician served as the 56th governor of New York from 2011 to 2021.

Cuomo who graduated from Fordham University and Albany Law School, served in President Bill Clinton’s Cabinet as the secretary of housing and urban development.

Up till now, the Cuomo family was highly respected and held at high esteem in the Democratic Party in the United State of America.

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