The Russian media has reported that a fuel tank has been set on fire on the Crimea bridge.

The long bridge connecting Crimea and Russia has been hit by a bomb blast and part of the bridge has been broken. President Putin opened the bridge four years after Russia illegally annexed Crimea.

Initial reports suggest that the attack was carried out by the Ukrainian forces because they believe there is a symbolic need to take down the bridge now in order to isolate the Russian forces from getting more supplies from the Russian mainland through the bridge.

Russia has claimed that the bridge was damaged due to a fuel tank that caught fire on the bridge.

We might not know what actually caused the fuel tank to catch fire and ultimately led to the bridge collapse because Ukraine is very secretive when it comes to this kind of attack.

Although Russia claims that they’re going to fix the bridge as soon as possible, there is no doubt that the consequences of the damaged bridge will be felt throughout the war because inadequate supply of equipment will definitely affect the Russians in the war zone.

This came as a surprise for Russia because they were simply not expecting anything of this nature. Hence there was no measure to prevent it.


According to officials, a small plane crash near Bideford Municipal Airport in Maine killed two construction company executives who were on board.

81-year-old Eldon Morrison of Yarmouth was flying the plane when it crashed. Paul Koziell, 55 from Scarborough, was also on board.

An investigation is being conducted by the National Transportation Safety Board.

However, it has been revealed that the plane crashed in Arundel as it was returning from a trip to Prisque Isle. The Beechcraft A36 plane is owned by CPM Construction.

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