Women are mothers. In fact, everybody on earth was given birth to by a woman. The Taliban have wives, and they were also given birth to by women.

Why do the Taliban have a strong dislike for women and they believe that dehumanization of women is the right thing to do?

due to the pull out of the U.S troops and allied from Afghanistan, the Taliban took the world by surprise by quickly using the opportunity to overthrow the Afghan government.

Since the Taliban took power again in Afghanistan, they have started trampling on women’s rights.

Although, both U.S President Biden and NATO have blamed the Afghan government for the situation in Afghanistan, most people in the world think that the Biden administration is to blame.

After taking over power in Afghanistan and changing the country’s name, the Taliban deceived the world by making a vague promise to respect women’s rights. They even went as far as urging women to join the government.

They later formed an all-male government. Afghan women who protested against the all-male government were beaten up by the Taliban and some of them were imprisoned.

Barely a month later, they started to impose a strict form of Islamic rule the same way they did in the late 1990s when they were in power.

The Afghans, especially women started fleeing Afghanistan for fear of living in a dehumanized condition.

Taliban finally said the truth about their plans for women which include the following:

1. The Afghan women were ordered to stop going to work, stay at home, give birth, and take care of their children. The women who are employed have been asked to send their male relatives to replace them.

The Taliban believe that according to Islam, women are not supposed to go to school or work. This new order automatically puts the lives of women judges in Afghanistan in danger.

The Taliban have barred girls from returning to secondary school. They replaced the former government’s women’s ministry with an all-male vice and virtue department.

2. Taliban brought back stoning to death for major sins, and amputation of fingers for other crimes. In the past, lots of women were stoned to death in Afghanistan for committing adultery.

At a stage, Europe got divided over accepting migrants from Afghanistan. Here is a list of some countries that helped in evacuating people from Afghanistan.

According to her coach, the Taliban even took the life of Mahjabin Hakimi, a women’s youth volleyball player, and posted pictures of her head on social media.

In your opinion, who is to blame for the situation in Afghanistan? Donald Trump, President Biden, the Taliban, the Afghan military, or the Afghan Government? See other people’s answers and add yours in the COMMENT SECTION HERE.

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