Prominent attorney Alex Murdaugh, 53, has surrendered to the police after he was hit with insurance fraud in which he filled a false police report.

According to authorities, he attempted to stage his own suicide so that his son could collect a $10 million life insurance policy.

The housekeeper and nanny for Murdaugh family also died in 2018. South Carolina police have now launched an investigation into the death of the housekeeper and nanny.

Murdaugh was shot in the head on the 4th of Sept 2021. In the suicide-for-hire case, Murdaugh,s attorney admitted that his client was depressed and enlisted a man to kill him.

Mark Keel, the Chief of South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED) released a statement which reads:

“I can assure you that SLED agents will continue working to bring justice to anyone involved with any criminal act associated with these ongoing investigations.”

“The arrests in this case are only the first step in that process,” he added.

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