Prison tortures scandal continues in Russia – President Vladimir Putin has fired the head of Russia’s prison system after a series of videos showing räpe and törture inside a prison hospital leaked online.

Putin replaced Alexander Kalashnikov with Deputy Interior Minister Arkady Gostev as head of Russia’s Federal Prison Service (FSIN).

Lawmakers in Russia’s parliament have proposed a bill that would send penitentiary officials convicted of torture to jail, following revelations of horrific abuse being inflicted on inmates in the Saratov region.

According to Pavel Krasheninnikov who is a member of the governing United Russia party, “The facts that have come to light about the cruel torture used on inmates in the Federal Penitentiary Service have raised widespread public concern.“

As the prison tortures scandal continues in Russia, President Vladimir Putin has said in a news conference that ‘We need to carry out investigations.’ He added that the punishment for these crimes is unavoidable.

$380M settlement reached with victims of U.S. gymnastics scandal – Hundreds of girls and women have said that former national team doctor Larry Nassar, s-xually abused them under the guise of medical treatment when he worked for Michigan State University, USA Gymnastics, which trains Olympians, and a Michigan gym that’s a USA Gymnastics member.

Nassar pleaded guilty in state court to s-xually assaulting female gymnasts, and he was sentenced to 40 to 175 years in prison. More than 300 victims were abused by Nassar

Several people found dead inside south Moorhead home – According to police, several people were found dead inside a south Moorhead home near Reinderston Elementary. Police investigation continues.

West Suffolk hospital chair resigns after whistleblowing scandal – The chair of West Suffolk hospital trust has resigned over a whistleblowing scandal which revealed that the Nuffield Trus continues to pay at least £270,000 a year to its former chief executive.

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