Some people are blaming U.S President Joe Biden for the chaotic situation in Afghanistan. The fact is Biden did the right thing because Americans troops can not stay in Afghanistan forever.

First of all, Donald Trump brokered a deal with the Taliban. In the deal, Taliban assured the U.S that they would not allow Afghanistan to be used as a base for attacking other countries, as it was in the years before 9/11.

That assurance was part of a 2020 peace deal reached between the Taliban and the Trump administration that paved the way for the American withdrawal.

The Afghan government has a military build-up that outweighs that of the Taliban in number, but they could not organize and fight back the Taliban without the support of America and its allied.

Yes, it is sad that so much time and money have been wasted in trying to keep the Taliban away from power, but after 2 decades, American soldiers need to go back home. In Fact, Biden’s predecessors wanted to bring American troops back home.

Donald Trump, Biden’s immediate predecessor has always stressed how ridiculous it was that the U.S soldiers were still in Afghanistan after 20 years and he planned to bring them back home in May 2021. But unfortunately, he lost the presidential election to Biden.

Trump once said: “Getting out of Afghanistan is a wonderful and positive thing to do. I planned to withdraw on May 1, and we should keep as close to that schedule as possible.

President Joe Biden explained that he followed through on the deal made by Trump to withdraw the U.S troops from Afghanistan. According to Biden:

“When I came into office I inherited a deal that President Trump had negotiated with the Taliban.”

There was only the cold reality of either following through on the agreement to withdraw our forces or escalating the conflict and sending thousands more American troops into combat in Afghanistan, lurching into the third decade of conflict.”

Let us not forget the fact that other countries including Germany, France, U.K, etc also withdrew their Soldiers from Afghanistan. But in the U.S, the Republicans are always looking for the slightest opportunity to bring Joe Biden down.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg told reporters in NATO’s headquarters that: “The failure of Afghan leadership led to the tragedy we are witnessing today.”

He added that “Despite our considerable investment and sacrifice over two decades, the collapse was swift and sudden. There are many lessons to be learned.”

He went further to say that “Ultimately the Afghan political leadership failed to stand up to the Taliban and achieve the peaceful solution that Afghans desperately wanted.”

Therefore, it does not matter whether it was Biden or one of his predecessors who pulled the U.S military out of Afghanistan because from the look of things, it would have resulted in the same outcome.

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