The former US Secretary of State and ex-first lady Hillary Clinton (73) has received an honorary doctorate from the British elite University of Oxford.

Her husband, former President Bill Clinton, attended the same university as a Rhodes Scholar.

On Wednesday evening, the wife of the 42nd President of the United States, Bill Clinton, 75, received the title in civil law.

Before launching her political career, Clinton studied at the renowned Yale Law School in Connecticut, USA and worked as a lawyer.

Clinton who was so enthusiastic and delighted, posted several pictures of the award on Instagram and wrote that she is delighted to receive an honorary doctorate in civil law on a beautiful day at Oxford University.

In her thank-you speech, she said: “I am delighted to have been an honorand today among a group of very distinguished women.”

“I’m very humbled to be in their company and very delighted to have this honorary degree. Being in the midst of a community that values evidence and facts and experience, it was a thrilling day.”

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