After Donald Trump falsely claimed, without evidence, that there was widespread fraud in the U.S presidential elections, YouTube has taken a measure to curb such misinformation from being spread on its platform.

YouTube has reached out to its publishers, especially in Germany, to inform them about elections misinformation policies.

In a statement issued by YouTube to Youtubers, it says:

“We will be applying our election integrity policy to false claims regarding the outcome of the German federal election, once the final results are determined by the Federal Returning Officer.“

“Content advancing false claims that widespread fraud, error, or glitches changed the outcome of the German federal election will be removed from YouTube,“ it added.

It went further to say that “YouTube videos that link to content containing false election outcome claims off of YouTube (e.g. on a third-party video website) will also be removed.“

For more information on elections misinformation policies, please see the YouTube guide HERE.

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